Organizational Support


In addition to clinical services, Christian Psychological Center offers services to meet community-based needs for education, consultation, and training. We provide professional development for educators, church and ministry leadership, and organizations.

Specialty Areas


Professional Development for Church and Ministry Leadership

At CPC we seek to utilize the expertise of our staff to train and equip those involved in various agencies and ministries to be even more effective in dealing with mental health issues they encounter in their work. Training and consultation primarily with church and parachurch ministries have focused on areas such as developing basic counseling and crisis intervention skills; working with victims of violence and trauma; developing self-care strategies to deal effectively with the common stresses of pastoral and urban ministry; conflict and anger management; grief support; and assisting faith-based organizations in program development. We also provide counseling services for ministry leaders as they navigate the joys and challenges of ministry leadership.

Professional Development for Educators

Christian Psychological Center is intentional in providing workshops and services that enable the educator and school to grow professionally. We offer yearly workshops at the Center, led by our staff, and can also provide on-campus programs as well. Topics include effective discipline in the classroom, communicating with parents, parent-teacher conferences, healthy teachers personally and professionally, and testing and learning styles. We also provide an email newsletter to teachers twice a year.

Professional Development for Organizations

We offer consultation and group facilitation for organizations in need of help managing team dynamics, personality conflicts, and challenges with communication. Group discussion, group interaction and experiences, and brief exploration of personality as it relates to the world of work are among the tools used for consultation and facilitation. Because each organization’s needs are different, services are tailored to address the concerns raised by the organization.